Many campaigns revolve around empires that are seeking to raise themselves to greatness, usually at the expense of their neighbors. They may do this in a "4X" (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) style, with varying amounts of detail and paperwork. They may use an SFU published campaign, such as the Admiral's Campaign (U3.0). Or they may use something akin to 'Federation and Empire' (F&E). Usually anything published is tweaked to the individual tastes of the players involved.
This is not that sort of campaign.
This campaign focuses not on the goals of the heads of state or the admirals, but on the captains. Instead of fighting a war, with territory marked out in controlled sectors and colonies of varying levels of productivity, the campaign is the storyboard of a television series. Anytime there is an odd subspace anomaly or dangerous space monster, you can always assume that both parties will show up to investigate at the same time. Should one party attack another, we focus on where each side has a chance of victory.
This campaign moves the focus away from research and development. To that aim, there is no map. Each player has a border who's size fluctuates as the game moves forward. Encounters are drawn randomly, the number of which matches the size of the border. Ships are bid to each encounter and those encounters which wildly favor one side or another are resolved automatically. Benefits and penalties, such as an increase in income or a reduction in border size, are assigned depending on the outcome of each encounter.
Setup: (At start of campaign)
Collect Resource Points:
• The stockpile of EPs for each player grows by the amount of their income
• Ships are repaired, built, converted, or refit, per the previous turn's orders
Draw Encounters:
• Each empire draws one encounter for each unit of size of their border with another empire. Both empires share this encounter.
• The defender and attacker of this encounter is randomly determined
Place Bids:
• Each player secretly bids their ships to each encounter
Play Encounters:
• Ship assignments are revealed
• Encounters which have "overwhelming force" are automatically marked as such
• The players play the remaining encounters
Encounters are Reported:
• The players report victory or defeat for each encounter
• The players mark those ships that were crippled or destroyed
Encounter Resolution:
• Ships are actually crippled or destroyed
• The encounter rewards or penalties are applied
The turn is completed and a new one begins
The campaign is heavily computer moderated. Should there be an error in the software, contact the campaign administrator to get the problem resolved.
The modules used in this campaign are: Basic, Advanced, C1-C4, C6, F1-2, J, J2, K, M, R1-R6, R8, R10, and Y1. Only the units in these modules are available. Ships found in Captain's Logs, Starletter, the ADB BBS, or player-made units are not allowed.
Except where the campaign starting year makes the empire unusable, these are the allowed empires to pick from: Federation (R2.0), Klingon (R3.0), Romulan (R4.0), Kzinti (R5.0), Gorn (R6.0), Tholian (R7.0), Hydran (R9.0), Andromedan (R10.0), Lyran (R11.0), ISC (R13.0), WYN (R14.0), Seltorian (R15.0), Jindarian (R16.0), Vudar (R17.0), Paravian (R18.0), Carnivon (R19.0), Frax (R51.0), and Peladine (JR1.0). Intentionally missing from this list are the Orions (R8.0) and LDR (R12.0), who are not available for play for balance reasons.
The various encounters assume that the empires mostly have the same kinds of units, or have the same sort of operational mindset. This works for most of the empires out there, but not everyone works the same way in every situation. The following attempts to address those questions that might arise on how to handle oddball situations. Very strange or uncommon systems are described in a rules summary page.
Early Years Generic Units: In scenarios that give "free" units (a.k.a. "Scenario Targets") yet take place in a time where the stated units are not available (because the campaign year is currently before the Year In Service date of the "free" unit) perform the following replacements:
• Large Freighter -> UFL (from module Y2)
• Small Freighter-> UFS (from module Y2)
• Any unit where there is a corresponding "Y" unit, such as CPL to YCPL or FT to YFT (most are from module Y3)
Heavy War Destroyer (HDW) designations: HDWs have several designations that make certain assumptions for the optional systems. These systems have been paid for in that assumption. If not everything is designated, then those not assigned may be replaced by the player before the battle. The cost for anything replaced is paid for by the CO budget of that ship.
• HDW - Nothing re-assigned. The APRs are still APRs. The NWOs are empty (void). The Option Mounts are also empty. Filling these cost CO points (as above.)
• HDW-C - A command variant. The Option Mounts are filled with some common weapon to the empire and the NWOs are filled with Flag Bridge to bring the command rating of the ship up to 10.
• HDW-H - A Heavy-fighter carrier. Filled with 10 additional shuttle boxes with fighter ready racks and then armed with double-space fighters.
• HDW-K - A "killer" variant. NWOs are un-assigned and Option Mounts are filled with the same weapon as the command variant.
• HDW-P - A PF Tender. Each has 2 sensor channels, 6 mech links, and 4 repair.
• HDW-S - Scout. It merely has 2 sensor channels.
• HDW-V - A carrier variant. Like the Heavy-carrier variant, has 10 more fighter boxes and is filled with single-space fighters.
There may be other designations, but they currently have nothing assigned.
Refits: The "y" refit is the Y175 refit (usually changes A-racks to B-racks and adds drone reloads). The "m" refit is the Mech-Link refit of (R1.R1) and always includes two PFs or Interceptors, except where the ship has only one tractor. The Sabot refit (FP11.1) is designated by the "-sab". Units with the "u" have UIM added to the ships. Some ships have UIM included in their BPV, and those have no "u" designation.
Commander's Option Points: Any unit that has Mine Racks may use their Commander's Option points to purchase small or large mines.
Third Way: The Federation has the option of picking the non-Third-Way empire, who can instead fly PFs, when they join the campaign. The build-able ships change, in that they cannot produce F-111s but instead are allowed PFs, PFTs, and the mech-link refit. They may not use the "Command & Control" advantage seen by the (S8.327) rule. Additional "Third Way" rules that the PF Feds can no longer use include additional Megapacked fighters (S8.3285) and Carrier Battle Group (S8.283) rules.
Commander's Option Points: Appropriate Federation ships may purchase SWACs (J9.0) with Commander's Option points. In the appropriate year, E-3 SWACs may be purchased. The points for these come from the pool that is derived from the ship's BPV, not from the fighter point pool (S3.23).
Tugs: The Freight Eagle (R4.30) is always considered a non-combat tug. The SPH (R4.31) is always considered a combat tug. The KRT (R4.33) is considered a combat tug until after the two-year introduction date for the SPH (e.g., after Y170), at which point the KRT is considered a non-combat tug. When a scenario forces the Romulan to use a combat/non-combat tug and there are two tugs that qualify, then the Romulan may choose which tug to use of those that qualify before their opponent places their units on the map.
Do note the official YIS dates of the Romulan tugs: WBF (and it's innumerable refits) Y66-Y158 (per it's SSD.) KRT Y162. FE Y165. SPH Y168. To spread the field a little, for purposes of the campaign, the FE will be treated in scenarios that give tugs as having a YIS date of Y159 and to replace the WBF as the Romulan tug at that point.
Commander's Option Points: Romulans may purchase Cloaked Decoys (G27.0) with Commander's Option points. These points must be spent by the ship that the decoy is deployed to.
Refits: The "-PLC" refit is the carronade refit of (FP14.0), found in module R10. (FP14.12) gives this refit it's name, and the Gorns saw it's introduction in Y165 (FP14.14).
Sheyang G-7s: Per (R6.F11), any Gorn ship may replace admin shuttles with G-7s (after Y166, per the YIS date of the fighter.) Per the attrition unit rules, the costs to perform this swap is [cost of the G-7, minus cost of an Admin] 2 points of the receiving ship's Commander's Option budget. Also note that Plasma-Ks (at 0.5 points each) and any pods for the 'fighter' must also be purchased from Commander's Option points, as the G-7 comes with none. In Y180, G-7As are available in the same way as G-7s.
The Tholians are always considered to be in the Holdfast for purposes of (S8.223)
Tugs: The CPC is always a non-combat tug. At the appropriate year of service, the LTT can be used as a non-combat tug.
Commander's Option Points: Tholians may purchase web-anchor bouys (G26.0) with Commander's Option points. These points must be spent by the ship that the bouy is deployed to.
Tholians may also purchase asteroids for web anchor points. The points for each of these must come from a single ship (e.g 25 COs of a DN gains one, another 25 from a BATS gains another, etc).
Refits: Orions have many "refit" systems, giving them a very large ship list.
PFs: No more than one flotilla (as a single functional unit of no more than 6 PFs) of Hellions may be used between the battles each Hydran player has for their turn. (e.g. If they have 6 battles, only one of them may have Hellions in it. If in that battle, the Hellions arrived on ships that had the (R1.R1) Mech Link refit, then no more than the number that can be carried on that single ship may be used.) Likewise, there is a limit of one flotilla of Howlers (a Hydran player may have one flotilla of each per turn.) Conversion from Harriers to these special PFs is performed in the same manner as conversion to other variants (and is just as permenant: until the end of the battle.) Valkyries and Harriers may be freely exchanged (with no rebate.)
The WYN are always considered to be in the cluster for purposes of (S8.222)
Refits: Purchased Orion ships may have an "o" designation suffix to represent an Oakdisc (FD4.5) refit.
Option Mounts: The systems that fill option-mounts are paid for from the commander's options points (G15.42), which includes drone speed upgrades. Additionally, note the weapon percentages of (G15.442).
Tugs: Use a F-AL (disruptor) with a pair of General Skids. Pods present in the scenario (if any) replace the cargo pods on the freighter. Assume the freighter can attach pods by (G14.4) and disengage pods by (G14.3).
Attrition Units: The WYN may use Klingon, Lyran, and Kzinti Interceptors, PFs, and Fighters interchangebly on their ships. Some or all of the attrition units may be replaced before the scenario is set up by spending commander's option points to pay for the difference in cost between what is given and what is wanted. Note that "rare" models (such as the Kzinti MRN or disruptor-armed assault fighters) may not be used in this fashion.
Command Ratings: Andromedans do not need to provide a mothership to field satellite ships, as an exception to (S8.2211). However, they do need to abide by the 2-DisDev rule (G18.82) and traditional command limits. It is assumed that the Andromedans arrive by (G18.85). MWPs are treated as PFs for purposes of (S8.23) and (S8.32).
Tugs: Use a Queen Snake (R10.22) for an Andromedan Tug (even if the YIS does not match). Assume the Queen Snake can dock one pod (using (G14.3) and (G14.4) ) and that the pod increases the movement cost to 1.
Pods and BAMs: Cargo pods are replaced with P-CMs. PAMs are replaced by an EM-S. HPMs are replaced by an EM-M.
Civilian Bases (SAMs, CPLs, or CPPs): Use a MOS (R10.62). If the base had fighters (such as the scenario states there is an attached HBM) then allow the MOS to have it's MWPs. Otherwise it is without the MWPs. This can create a situation where the "base" is mobile. The MOS will always start the scenario at speed 0, though may be in orbit if the scenario so states. If the scenario states that there is a BAM that then translates to a SSU, then that SSU is docked to a MWP mounting point and treated as if in a hangar.
Large Bases: Substitute MBs for SATs. Replace BSCs with SATs, except that these SATs are able to use their temporal elevator while in orbit. BSs are their Andromedan counterparts, as are BATS. If the scenario states that there is a BAM that then translates to an Energy Module, then the base is treated as having a hangar that is usable only for that module.
FRDs: Use a Lyran FRD with DisDevs replacing ESGs. (Yes. This means an Andromedan unit is using shields instead of PA panels, with all of the advantages and disadvantages of them). Use Andromedan batteries. Replace the Shuttle boxes with Hangar boxes (each hangar holds one medium sat ship). Replace any pods or BAMs attached to the FRD with their Andromedan equivilent.
Freighters: Use a CS (R10.36) as a substitution for an F-S or FT. Use a pair of CSs as a substitution for a single F-L. Use four CSs as a substitution for an F-OL. CSs may purchase T-Bombs and PA Mines.
Q-Ships: In scenarios where there is an Andromedan "Q-Ship", use a single GUN that has concealment panels (D17.74) across the applicable phasers to make it appear as a CS. Due the warp power and maneuver statistics of both ships being identical, as a special rule this unit cannot be distinguished from a CS until the weapon's panels are blown clear under (D17.742). Note that those scenarios where a large Q-Ship replaces a large freighter, one or two of these GUNs may replace the large freighter.
Other Freighters and Auxiliaries: Use the CS to replace most small freighters and auxiliaries; particularly the troop transports, hospital ships, and armed freighters. Use the RS to replace "service" freighters, such as repair freighters and harbor tugs. Use the MLS to replace the mine-laying freighters. Use the OGS to replace mining and fabrication freighters, such as prospecting freighters. The MOS replaces scouting freighters, exploratory freighters, and auxiliaries carrying fighters or PFs. The GUN replaces auxiliary cruisers. Larger versions are replaced as freighters, above. Treat Free Trader variants as the appropriate small-freighter variant.
Skiffs: Use an MCP (R10.49).
Small Support Units: Except for MWPs, these are paid for with commander's option points. MWPs are part of the ship's cost, like PFs are with galactic ships. Costs assume there are six MWPs (1.5 hangar boxes, or as many as the mothership can hold, whichever is smaller). These are all standard MWPs (R10.48). Variants are purchased like variant PFs.
Refits: The Lyran "+" refit is a shield and DERFACS refit, introduced in Y166. The "p" refit is a phaser upgrade refit that was seen in Y168. The "B" refit is the power-pack refit seen on the trimarans in Y168. As mentioned in the above "All" section, the "u" refit adds a UIM module and the "m" refit adds PFs.
Refits: The ISC "r" refit shows a ship that is missing the rear-firing plasma (R13.R2). The "s" refit shows a ship that has Plasma-Gs in place of their plasma-Ss (R13.R3). The "p" refit shows a ship that is missing the side-firing phaser-3s (R13.R1). The "d" refit shows a ship that Plasma-Gs in place of their PPDs (R1.R2).
Tug Pods: Many of the ISC pods are designed to operate in pairs. Costs of add-ons to these pods (e.g. PF flotillas) assume two are used. The rules presented in the pod's description describe the effects if the pod is not paired properly.
Generic Units: Seltorians use Tholian units in all cases. Replace Web Generators and Snares with Web Breakers (Forward Arc). Replace Disruptors with Particle Cannons.
Refits: Seltorians are under the technology limitations of (R15.1C) for the first two years (not turns) of the campaign or until Y184 (whichever happens first). There is no BPV cost or rebate for these limitations.
The Jindarians are always considered "In Transit" for purposes of (R16.1F). Thus, they are always under the command limit rules of the campaign, like the other empires. This includes the few instances where the scenario takes place in an asteroid field.
Tugs: Use a CLT as a tug. Assume for purposes of the scenarios with pods, that the CLT can dock one pod and that it increases the CLT's move cost to 3/4.
Cargo Pods: Use P-CCs
Civilian Bases (SAMs, CPLs, or CPPs): Use the Federation SSDs for the base in question. Use the pre-Y160 version of SAM (e.g. Ph-1s instead of drones)
Larger Bases (MB, BS, BSC, BATS): Use Federation SSDs for the base in question. MRGs (E18.73) replace Photons and LRGs (E18.6) replace Drones.
Ground Bases: Use the standard SSDs for the base in question.
DEFSATS: Use the Photon Defsat (DEFSAT-PT) and replace the photons with LRGs. Each satellite has 18 total shots, with a maximum range of 10.
FRDs: Use the Federation FRD, but with LRGs replacing the drone racks.
Freighters: Use regular freighters, as stated in the scenario.
Skiffs: Use regular skiffs.
Non-Standardization: The "Blank Boxes" that represent the non-standardization betwen the various Jindarian ships of the same type (R16.1C1) may be assigned per those rules. The costs to use those systems (Given in Annex #8B) are paid out in Commander's Option points (which may reduce the ability for the ship to hold mines or begin with asteroids.) These systems may change from turn-to-turn. Any restrictions on the use of these systems (number of sensor channels per fleet, number of groups per ship, etc..) that are given in the relevant rules are still in force. These systems are chosen before the opponent begins their setup and is known to all concerned. Special Sensors purchased in this fashion affect Weapon-Status rolls like scouts.
Refits: Jindarians have an "-imb" and "-ihb" refit that covers internally-carried bombers (R16.FB1), an "-emb" and "-ehb" refit that covers externally-carried bombers (R16.FB2), and a "-cmb" and "-chb" refit that covers construction-bay-carried bombers (R16.FB3). Asteroid ships with the "v" (little-V) refit are casual carriers (R16.R2).
Commander's Option Points: Jindarians may purchase asteroids out of commanders option points, using the costs given in Annex #6A for web anchors (e.g. 25 pts). These asteroids are placed in the starting hex(s) of the Jindarians, moving at speed 0 or speed 1 (at the Jindarians choice.)
If one or two asteroids are purchased, then they may serve as decoy asteroids. Asteroid ships may use Hidden Deployment (R16.1C6) if they start in the same hex, with the same speed, and the same heading as the asteroid. The ship(s) may not use warp power for movement or raise shields while so disguised. In this case, the asteroid ship is on the map, but the opponent does not know which is the asteroid ship until the ship is revealed (e.g. any fire or seekers directed at the asteroid/ship that has not been revealed must be announced as to which asteroid is being targeted when resolved.)
If three or more asteroids are purchased and placed within two hexes from furthest to furthest, then the 7 hexes of circular area that encloses all those asteroids is considered an asteroid field area for the purposes of (P2.2), (P2.3), (R16.1C6), and (R16.1D). This area may move up to a speed of 1 in a direction given at the scenario start.
Large Bases: The BSC is the same as the Lyran version, except replace Drones with IPGs and delete ADDs. The BS uses the BATS data for their weapons (single IC, pair of Ph-3, replace Ph-4s with ISGs.)
Tugs: Use the LTT, even if the current year is before the YIS date of the ship.
Tug Pods: Some of the Paravian pods are designed to operate in pairs. Costs of add-ons to these pods (e.g. PF flotillas) assume two are used. The rules presented in the pod's description describe the effects if the pod is not paired properly.
Generic Units: As noted in (R51.1D), the Frax use Klingon units, minus the Security stations.
Refits: The Frax use the "a" to represent those units with an Anti-Fighter Defense (E52.0). The campaign assumes a "Warrior" availability of the AFD, on the (E52.15) restriction list.
The campaign ends when there is one player remaining or by agreement from the remaining players. Players are removed from the campaign when all of their borders are reduced to 0. They are then no longer in contact with anyone.
An empire's economic income is boiled down to a single number. This represents the myriad of colony planets and various taxes from trade routes that happen "off screen". This is then stockpiled in the Imperial Treasury. From there construction, repairs, and refits are paid for.
There is no maintenance costs for your fleet. This is handled transparently by the legion of bureaucrats inherent in such a large organization as each empire. Likewise, there is no need to pay for supplies (drones, et. al.), odd shipboard equipment (Commanders Options) or the replacement of attrition units (fighters, PFs, etc..)
Ships are constructed at the start of the following turn. Once completed, they are immediately placed in the pool of available units for bidding to encounters.
The price of many units include various things that are inherent to the ship that are not normally reflected in the ship's cost in the source material. This includes the cost of faster drones and the cost of fighters. Do not be alarmed when carriers seem excessively expensive; it means the cost of the fighters is already calculated and included.
Carriers require escorts. Any carrier that is insufficiently escorted must retreat when confronted by an opposing force. However, we are using the "Flexible Carrier Escorts" rule of (S8.315).
The cost to purchase attrition units (Fighters and PFs) is included in the cost of the carrying ship. This does mean that an upgrade in the attrition units is treated like a refit. However, there is no cost to replace the attrition units if they are destroyed and the ship does not need to be held back from the bidding to have their attrition units replenished.
If the player wishes to change the type of PF or fighter being used at the start of a scenario, use the Commander's Options available to the attrition unit being replaced to pay for the difference (if the replacement is more expensive). This cannot be done if the attrition unit did not normally operate (per the Section R description) from the ship performing the replacement (e.g. MRNs for non-SCSs, F-14s for nearly any ship, and so on.) In the case of Hydran casual fighters (R9.R6), the costs come from the Commander's Options of the ship. The pool of commander's options is not made larger if the new PF is more expensive. (e.g. the commander's options pool is not recalculated.)
For example: Exchanging a Tholian Arachnid PF for an Arachnid-W (the snare-generator variant) can be done without cost, because they are the same BPV. Exchanging a Kzinti PF-N (a standard Needler) for a PF-D (the drone variant) can be done by spending 4 (or 6) of that PF's Commander's Options to pay for the difference in cost and also to upgrade the third drone rack to the same speed as the rest of the PF.
Heavy fighters may replace a pair of fighters. The difference in cost between the fighters and the heavy fighter (if the heavy fighter, with drone speed upgrades, is more expensive) must be paid from that carrier's commander's option points. (This is treated the same situation as mentioned above with PFs.) Note that only true carriers, not the Hydran hybrid carriers (see (R9.N1) ), can carry heavy fighters. Also note that ships carrying PFs, even via the Mech Link Refit (R1.R1), cannot carry heavy fighters (J10.0).
Example: A Hydran Uhlan decides to trade in all 16 of their fighters for 8 Stinger-Ss. That is 160 BPV worth of fighters, trading in for 136 BPV worth of double-space fighters. The swap is made with no cost and no rebate for the Uhlan.
Example: A Tholian Black Widow decides to trade in all 8 of their fighters (an equal mix of Spider-IIs and Spider-IIIs) for 4 Spider-Vs. That is 60 BPV worth of fighters, trading in for 76 BPV worth of double-space fighters. The carrier was given 13 Commander's Option points and the original fighters generated another 12 points. The Black Widow must spend 16 of those 25 points to upgrade the fighters.
Likewise, Megafighter packs may be purchased for some or all of the fighters from the Commander's Option Points allowed for the carrier.
See also Independent Strikes
Individual damage to ships is not tracked. For purposes of the campaign, the simple case of whether or not the unit is crippled (S2.4) is all that is tracked.
If a ship is marked as crippled and then shows up in an encounter, then score 60% of the ships internals as a single volley before the encounter begins.
To repair a ship, give it orders to be repaired. It cannot then be bid to an encounter for that turn. On the following turn, it will be repaired.
Ships may be gifted to other empires. An order must be given to gift the unit, and then it will be available to the new empire on the following turn.
This mechanic is also how a transfer of ownership occurs if the ship were captured during combat.
Commander's Option Points (COs) are given for most or all of the encounters. The amount given is usually based on the BPV of the ship, and is some defined percentage of such in the encounter text. This budget is normally used to buy mines, special drones, and extra crew of various kinds.
Note that Annex #6A contains special items that are available to patrol battles, which this campaign does not generate. The items in that annex are not available for purchase unless noted in the rules here or are also in Annex #6. Items noted in both annexes are purchased from the Annex #6 chart at those prices.
There are some additional things that come out of this budget, because of the nature of the campaign.
• "Free" units given in a scenario for the purposes of that specific scenario are allowed commander's option points at the same rate as the rest of the ships. Because many of these units are civilian units, mines are often not available.
• Per the Attrition Units section, fighters and PFs can be exchanged with the the extra cost coming from the CO budget.
• Special drones are handled normally, but speed increases in transition years (i.e. having "restricted" medium-speed drones in Y166) are also paid from the CO budget. Note that the ship designation shows what is in the racks by default ("D6 w/ slow drones" has no moderate-speed or medium-speed drones in the racks or reloads, regardless of the game year). However faster drones may be purchased with COs, up to the limit allowed for that ship in that game year. A "D6 w/ slow drones" in Y167 could spend 4 COs to trade in their 8 slow-speed drones for medium-speed drones, and effectively be a "D6 w/ medium drones" for the duration of that battle. (it would not change their designation in the campaign and future battles: a refit to a "D6 w/ medium drones" is required for that.)
• Weapons placed in Option Mounts (such as the case of those races with option mounts) and other systems in NWOs (e.g. Heavy War Destroyers and Jindarians) are also paid from the CO budget.
• Refits may not be paid for with Commanders Option Points. Refits must be achieved through the campaign refit process. Annex #6 and #6A refer to rule (S3.24), which is used for published historical scenarios.
Units become available per the Year In Service (YIS) dates given for the units in the source material. Each campaign has it's own rate in which time passes (though 2 turns per year is common).
Like repairs, sending a ship in to be refit will mean it is unavailable until the next turn.
Some (very few) refits are not handled through this mechanism and recieve the refit automatically in the proper year(s). There is no BPV cost for these refits.
• Advanced shuttles (R1.F17). This affects other non-fighter shuttles, such as the MRS and GAS.
• The Hydran Fusion holding refit (E7.5).
• The Lyran ESG Capacitor refit (R11.R6). As an exception to the rule, there is no rebate to Lyran ships missing this refit.
• Interceptors gain WBPs one year after their introduction for that empire. There is no cost-rebate for INTs missing their WBPs. Likewise, there is no rebate for PFs that are missing their WBPs.
Like repairs and refits, sending a ship in to be converted will mean it is unavailable until the next turn.
Because there is no map, there is not a movement system. Ships come from a pool when entering an encounter, and return to that pool when finished.
Ships are secretly bid to each encounter at the start of the turn. Ships that are being built or under repairs, refits, or conversions, cannot participate in the bidding process.
After everyone is ready, all bids are revealed. Encounters that have no units from either side bid to them, are dropped and not resolved. Bids that are marked as "Overwhelming Force" are a victory for the empire who supplied overwhelming force.
Combat is held by the SFB system. Players are expected to talk out or otherwise quickly resolve battles where overwhelming force is determined, but they do not need to resolve the battle under the full SFB system. (They may, for example, agree that the defenders retreat without incident, or they may dig out F&E and use the SIDCORS system (an old extract here) to quickly determine which ships are crippled before the defender retires)
Each encounter includes information on where to place the forces and how large a map to use. They also include the conditions in which to determine the winner (usually by using the victory conditions in (S2.2).) Do note that the stalemate conditions in (S2.27) are also in effect. Also note that it is assumed that the first player noted in the scenario description is marked as the defender, and it is assumed that they are to set up first.
When each encounter is ready to be resolved, it is up to the players to form legal fleets before placing units on the map. Players may assign any collection of units to an encounter. When opposed by another player, any units that cannot be part of a legal fleet are assumed to retreat with no involvement in the scenario.
At this time, the only system used by this campaign to limit the size of fleets is the Command Rating (CR) system as expressed in (S8.0). We are not using the Fleet Combat Rating (FCR) system from the Campaign Designer's Handbook or the BPV Capacity (BPV Cap) system from the Another Way to Glory campaign.
Note that there are some scenarios that allow one player or another some extra units for purposes of that one scenario. If that player does not bid to that scenario a flagship that does not have the command rating that is required to command those "free" units, they automatically lose this scenario by virtue of not having a mobile unit present. (The other player simply destroys those units over the course of several turns in a manner where they take the least internal damage to themselves.)
There are no "Independent Strikes" of attrition units. If a flight of attrition units is to be used in a battle, then the carrying unit (carrier or PFT) must also be included.
In those cases where a scenario has the potential for ground combat, the Ground combat rules from module M (D15.0) will be used.
Units may be captured by another power during an encounter. To accurately reflect this in the campaign, the original owner must give orders that the captured unit be gifted to the capturing power. The unit will have changed ownership by the following turn.
Tug pods may be assigned to scenarios with or without a legal unit to carry them. If there is a legal unit that can carry a pod (e.g. a Tug, Light Tactical Transport, Theater Transport, etc..) then pods may be attached in a legal manner during setup of those forces, as the owner wishes. This includes pods that are assigned to scenarios where there are tugs given by the scenario. Do note that if a scenario states a certain tug configuration or status of pod attachment, then that setup must be used for the indicated tugs. Additional tugs are not under the same restrictions unless stated in the scenario.
If an assigned pod begins the scenario not attached to a legal unit and is incapable of independent action (e.g. it has no motive power), then the pod is considered to be inactive (G14.13) (G30.0). Again, if the text of the scenario states differently, then the scenario has precedence.
The following are the SFB rules that are being used in combats:
• Secret Placement of Mines (M2.6)
• All Electronic Warfare (D3.6) - including Self Generated, Scout Channels, Natural EW, and Small Target Modifier
• Stalemate (S2.27)
• Directed Turn Modes (maulers, Quari, and Borak only) (C3.8)
• Flexible Carrier Groups (S8.315)
- This rule replaces the carrier escort tables for the individual carriers. Note that since hybrid or casual carriers do not need to be escorted, it does not effect them.
Die Roll | WS |
3-4 | I |
5-6 | II |
7+ | III |
The following SFB rules are not being used in combats:
• Positron Flywheel (C9.0)
• Pre-laid Minefields (M6.0) except where specified in the scenario text.
• Hidden Cloak (G13.61)
• Tactical Intelligence (D17.0) except as given in the scenario.
Note these changes or clarifications to the SFB rules:
• (S8.36) LEADERS, COMMAND SHIPS: Leader variants that are acting as fleet flagships still need to have the 2 consorts of (S8.361) before a second leader variant may be added to a fleet.